Monday, December 22, 2008

And the cold returns...

.... back down to the mid twenties overnight, high today in the mid thirties. It will be 81 by Friday. If I've said it once, I've said it a million times. If it's going to be cold, it might as well snow! Freaking Tex-tard weather. Only one thing left to do....


erin said...

does that mean everyone is going to get sick? maybe not in TX. seems like everywhere i've taught (and everywhere i've taught/lived, there has been what i like to call "REAL" winters) when there are extreme fluxes in the temp in winter, the kids all get goopy. ick. (like right now. it's sooo f-ing annoying)

fatbob29r said...


We've all been fighting some sort of crud... head cold along with chest grunge... going on 3 weeks... being the WT dad I am, I think we picked it up @ either Mr. Gaddy's or the tot-lot @ Chick-fil-a..... nothing like re-cycling the germs