... spent looking through a windshield, not enough time looking beyond the front tire of my bike. I rode the Madrone on Saturday due to time constraints and family schedules, all my chums hit the BCGB for 20 + miles, I did two laps and got ~ 17 miles, but I only had a 15 minute drive home... would have been an hour had I gone to Austin, but the Taco Deli would have made the drive worth while. Days are getting shorter and cooler, nights have a bit of a bite... I'm acclimating to Texas weather... after 5 years! Night riding schedule is all over the map, but Wednesdays are the favorite thus far. Michael has elected to ride with me off road and get his MTB on after close to a year off the dirt. He has the mashing ability that comes with being a runner or roadie, but fears the rocks and tech which makes us a good match. We could both stand to lose 30#'s, so bring it Michael, I'm going to get my sh!t in shape because I'm sick of being fat, and out of shape, the gauntlet has been thrown my friend!

The wife and I both have the bug. Been checking out statistics on Spokane, on paper it meets and or exceeds our wants and needs. A trip there this spring or summer is a must. So far the responses I've gotten from various boards have been positive, but walking downtown and going to the local lakes will tell the truth. I knew the minute we drove through Atlanta that I hated the place, should have elected a western state back then. Texas has been ok, but not the final stop for us. It's been good to us and we'll walk away having learned a lot about what we do and don't want and what is important to us moving forward. The next stop will be a long term situation. I'd like for E to be able to finish HS the next place we land so it has to be the right amount of compromise to realistic living formula. Of course with 76 lakes like the one shown above, how bad could it be? Stay tuned!