Ok.... who am I kidding. I did better in '06 than '05 in that I did ride a bit more, and I blogged a bunch more. I dropped off the last two months of the year, but oh well. This year I'm back at it. I want to ride more, now that we're finally settled into the house, and start running (once I find a good trail or route). So not quite a New Years ride, but close enough. Some of the local guys have been building this cool new trail. Enjoy!

1st re-route... this is meant to be the up portion, but I'm a wuss and rode down it
This is the down section... it's much higher than it looks and there's no great run out. We cleaned it up a bit and added some boulders to help keep the bounce to a minimum while riding down.

Same as above, but me trying to ride up it.... I cleaned it ... yeah, that's right...